Dharmavaram is a Village in Kovvur Mandal in West Godavari District of Andhra Pradesh State, India. It belongs to Andhra region . It is located 87 KM towards East from District head quarters Eluru. 406 KM from State capital Vijayawada.
Dharmavaram Pin code is 534340 and postal head office is Vegeswarapuram .
Dharmavaram is surrounded by Chagallu Mandal towards west , Rajahmundry Rural Mandal towards East , Nidadavole Mandal towards South , Thallapudi Mandal towards North. Kovvur , Rajahmundry , Nidadavole , Tallapudi, Polavaram, Gopalapuram are the nearby Cities to Dharmavaram.This Place is in the border of the West Godavari District and East Godavari District. East Godavari District Rajahmundry Rural is East towards this place .
Dharmavaram Pin code is 534340 and postal head office is Vegeswarapuram .
Dharmavaram is surrounded by Chagallu Mandal towards west , Rajahmundry Rural Mandal towards East , Nidadavole Mandal towards South , Thallapudi Mandal towards North. Kovvur , Rajahmundry , Nidadavole , Tallapudi, Polavaram, Gopalapuram are the nearby Cities to Dharmavaram.This Place is in the border of the West Godavari District and East Godavari District. East Godavari District Rajahmundry Rural is East towards this place .
Demographics of Dharmavaram
Telugu is the Local Language here. Total population of Dharmavaram is 4191 .Males are 2089 and Females are 2,102 living in 1093 Houses. Total area of Dharmavaram is 719 hectares.
By Road :
Kovvur is the Nearest Town to Dharmavaram. Road connectivity is there from Kovvur to Dharmavaram.
By Rail :
Kovvur Rail Way Station , Pasivedala Rail Way Station are the very nearby railway stations to Dharmavaram. Also you can consider railway Stations from Near By town Kovvur. Kovvur Rail Way Station , Pasivedala Rail Way Station are the railway Stations near to Kovvur. You can reach from Kovvur to Dharmavaram by road after . How ever Rajamundry Rail Way Station is major railway station 7 KM near to Dharmavaram
By Bus :
Kovvur APSRTC Bus Station , Kovvur Bypass APSRTC Bus Station , Gokavaram Busstand APSRTC Bus Station are The nearby by Bus Stations to Dharmavaram .APSRTC runs Number of busses from major cities to here.
Colleges Near Dharmavaram
Junior colleges:
Govt Jr college (boys), Kovvur.
Govt Jr college, Chagallu.
Govt Jr college, Nidadavolu.
Govt Jr college ,Vegeswarapuram.
Sri chaitanaya Jr college, Kovvur.
Sri narayana Jr college, Kovvur.
Sri karibandi Jr college, Tallapudi.
Degree colleges:
Sri ABN and PRR college of science , Kovvur.
BHSR & VLM Degree & PG college, Devarapalli.
Govt Degree college, Nidadavolu.
Govt Degree college, Vegeswarapuram.
Karibandi degree college, Tallapudi.
Schools in Dharmavaram
Swarnabharathi English Medium High school
Address : Dharmavaram , kovvur , west godavari , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 534340 ,
Zphs, Dharmavaram, kovvur, Westgodavari
Address : Dharmavaram , kovvur , west godavari , Andhra Pradesh . PIN- 534340 ,
Nice blog keep up the good job bro 👍👍👍💖👆💖✌✋👌
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